Walulla Coffee

101 Walulla St, Idaho City, ID 83631

101 Walulla St, Idaho City, ID 83631
Start your day off in a great atmosphere with friendly company. We proudly serve Caffé D’arte Fine Italian Coffee. We offer Espresso’s, coffee, lattes, tea, smoothies, hot cocoa, infused redbulls, and everything in-between. We also have various baked goods and gifts that will make your visit to Idaho City memorable. 
Walulla Coffee Shop is on the corner of Montgomery and Wallula, right across the street from the Idaho City Hotel. 


Monday- 8am-4pm
Tuesday- Closed 
Wednesday- 8am-4pm
Thursday- 8am-4pm
Friday- 8am-5pm
Saturday- 8am-5pm
Sunday- 8am-4pm